Release What We Do in the Shadows in High Quality
Now you can see What We Do in the Shadows in HD video with duration 86 Min and was published in 2014-06-19 with MPAA rating is 162.- Original Title : What We Do in the Shadows
- Movie title in your country : What We Do in the Shadows
- Year of movie : 2014
- Genres of movie : Comedy, Horror,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2014-06-19
- Companies of movie : Unison Films, Defender Films, Funny or Die,
- Countries of movie : New Zealand,
- Language of movie : Deutsch, English,
- Durationof movie : 86 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.4
- Youtube ID of movie : Cv568AzZ-i8
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,ZH,IT,CS,RU,NL,PL,DA,HU,SV,PT,FR,EL,ES,HE,
- Cast of movie :Taika Waititi (Viago), Jemaine Clement (Vladislav), Jonathan Brugh (Deacon), Cori Gonzalez-Macuer (Nick), Stuart Rutherford (Stu), Jackie van Beek (Jackie), Rhys Darby (Anton), Frank Habicht (Phillip), Ian Harcourt (Zombie), Madeleine Sami (Morana), Duncan Sarkies (Declan)
Movie plot of What We Do in the Shadows :
Full What We Do in the Shadows in High Quality Video with movie plot "Follow the lives of Viago, Deacon, and Vladislav - three flatmates who are just trying to get by and overcome life's obstacles-like being immortal vampires who must feast on human blood. Hundreds of years old, the vampires are finding that beyond sunlight catastrophes, hitting the main artery, and not being able to get a sense of their wardrobe without a reflection, modern society has them struggling with the mundane like paying rent, keeping up with the chore wheel, trying to get into nightclubs, and overcoming flatmate conflicts." in top quality. Release What We Do in the Shadows in Top Quality by push of the download link.
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Director : Jemaine Clement, Director : Taika Waititi, Writer : Jemaine Clement, Writer : Taika Waititi, Producer : Emanuel Michael, Producer : Taika Waititi, Producer : Chelsea Winstanley, Co-Producer : Jemaine Clement, Co-Producer : Pamela Harvey-White, Original Music Composer : Plan 9, Director of Photography : Richard Bluck, Director of Photography : D.J. Stipsen, Editor : Tom Eagles, Editor : Yana Gorskaya, Editor : Jonathan Woodford-Robinson, Casting : Tina Cleary, Production Design : Ra Vincent
Yes, now you can watch movie regarding What We Do in the Shadows fully length and acquire the hyperlink to this film What We Do in the Shadows in high quality.
Tags: vampire, zombies, suburbs, mockumentary, werewolves,
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