Watch Full Legally Blonde in HD Format
Now you can download full Legally Blonde in High Quality Video with duration 96 Min and was released on 2001-07-13 with MPAA rating is 224.- Original Title : Legally Blonde
- Movie title in your country : Legally Blonde
- Year of movie : 2001
- Genres of movie : Comedy,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2001-07-13
- Companies of movie : Marc Platt Productions, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM),
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 96 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6
- Youtube ID of movie : PJM8Vdbk6gw
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,HU,IT,FR,TR,PT,ZH,DA,SV,ES,RU,CS,NL,PL,UK,RO,
- Cast of movie :Reese Witherspoon (Elle Woods), Luke Wilson (Emmett Richmond), Selma Blair (Vivian Kensington), Matthew Davis (Warner Huntington III), Victor Garber (Professor Callahan), Lacey Beeman (Nervous 1L Girl), Jennifer Coolidge (Paulette), Holland Taylor (Professor Stromwell), Ali Larter (Brooke Taylor Windham), Jessica Cauffiel (Margot), Alanna Ubach (Serena), Oz Perkins (Dorky David Kidney), Linda Cardellini (Chutney), Bruce Thomas (UPS Guy), Meredith Scott Lynn (Enid), Raquel Welch (Mrs. Windham Vandermark), Greg Serano (Enrique)
Movie plot of Legally Blonde :
Download full Legally Blonde in Best Look with movie summary "Elle Woods has it all. She's the president of her sorority, a Hawaiian Tropic girl, Miss June in her campus calendar, and, above all, a natural blonde. She dates the cutest fraternity boy on campus and wants nothing more than to be Mrs. Warner Huntington III. But, there's just one thing stopping Warner from popping the question: Elle is too blonde." in top video format. Release Legally Blonde in High Quality by push of the button above.
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Director : Robert Luketic, Novel : Amanda Brown, Screenplay : Kirsten Smith, Screenplay : Karen McCullah Lutz, Producer : Ric Kidney, Producer : Marc Platt, Original Music Composer : Rolfe Kent, Director of Photography : Anthony B. Richmond, Editor : Garth Craven
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