Free Streaming Coneheads in Best Quality
Now you can enjoy Coneheads in best quality with duration 88 Min and was released on 1993-07-23 and MPAA rating is 63.- Original Title : Coneheads
- Movie title in your country : Coneheads
- Year of movie : 1993
- Genres of movie : Comedy, Science Fiction, Family,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1993-07-23
- Companies of movie : Paramount Pictures,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 88 Min
- Average vote of movie : 4.8
- Youtube ID of movie : aJHdYfHlWF0
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,RU,IT,FR,SV,ES,HU,PT,
- Actors of movie :Robert Knott (Air Traffic Controller), Dan Aykroyd (Beldar Conehead), Jane Curtin (Prymatt Conehead), Sinbad (Otto), Phil Hartman (Marlax), Adam Sandler (Carmine), Chris Farley (Ronnie the Mechanic), Eddie Griffin (Customer), Michael Richards (Motel Clerk), David Spade (Eli Turnbull, INS Agent), Michael McKean (Gorman Seedling, INS Deputy Commissioner), Drew Carey (Taxi Passenger), Shishir Kurup (Khoudri), McNally Sagal (Female Agent), Michelle Burke (Connie Conehead), Jason Alexander (Larry Farber), Lisa Jane Persky (Lisa Farber), Joey Lauren Adams (Christina), Parker Posey (Stephanie), Kevin Nealon (Senator), Julia Sweeney (Principal), Ellen DeGeneres (Coach), Walter Robles (Fire Marshal), Tim Meadows (Athletic Cone), Peter Aykroyd (Highmaster Mentot), Tom Arnold (Golfer (uncredited)), Jon Lovitz (Dr. Rudolph, Dentist (uncredited)), Laraine Newman (Laarta), James Keane (Harv), Todd Susman (Ron)
Movie summary of Coneheads :
Free Streaming Coneheads in High Quality Video with movie synopsis "With enormous cone-shaped heads, robotlike walks and an appetite for toilet paper, aliens Beldar and Prymatt don't exactly blend in with the population of Paramus, N.J. But for some reason, everyone believes them when they say they're from France! As the odd "Saturday Night Live" characters settle into middle-class life in this feature-length comedy, a neighbor admires their daughter." in HD format. Release Coneheads in HD Quality by clicking the button above.
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Director : Steve Barron, Screenplay : Tom Davis, Screenplay : Dan Aykroyd, Screenplay : Bonnie Turner, Screenplay : Terry Turner, Producer : Lorne Michaels, Executive Producer : Michael I. Rachmil, Original Music Composer : David Newman, Director of Photography : Francis Kenny, Editor : Paul Trejo, Visual Effects : Brice Mallier
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Tags: extraterrestrial technology, alien life-form, space invasion,
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