Release The First Time in HD Video
Now you can download full The First Time in HD video with duration 95 Min and has been launched in 2012-10-19 with MPAA rating is 147.- Original Title : The First Time
- Movie title in your country : The First Time
- Year of movie : 2012
- Genres of movie : Drama, Comedy, Romance,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2012-10-19
- Companies of movie : Destination Films, Samuel Goldwyn Films,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : Français,
- Durationof movie : 95 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.3
- Youtube ID of movie : 1gElrhzGTSM
- Translation of movie : EN,RU,HE,FR,ZH,DE,TR,NL,DA,PL,SV,EL,IT,ES,PT,HU,CS,
- Cast of movie :Dylan O'Brien (Dave Hodgman), Britt Robertson (Aubrey Miller), Craig Roberts (Simon Daldry), James Frecheville (Ronny), Victoria Justice (Jane Harmon), Maggie Elizabeth Jones (Stella), Lamarcus Tinker (Big Corporation), Joshua Malina (Aubrey's Dad), Christine Taylor (Aubrey's Mom), Molly C. Quinn (Erica #1), Matthew Fahey (Brendan Meltzer)
Movie synopsis of The First Time :
Free The First Time in HD Quality with movie synopsis "Dave, a high school senior, spends most of his time pining away over a girl he can’t have. Aubrey, a junior with artistic aspirations, has a hot boyfriend who doesn’t quite understand her or seem to care. Although they go to different schools, Dave and Aubrey find themselves at the same party. When both head outside to get some air, they meet. A casual conversation sparks an instant connection, and, over the course of a weekend, things turn magical, romantic, complicated, and funny as Aubrey and Dave discover what it's like to fall in love for the first time." in High Quality Video. Full Streaming The First Time in Best Look by viewing the download link.
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Writer : Jon Kasdan, Director : Jon Kasdan
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Tags: virgin, high school, party, first love, awkwardness, friend | kiss | matchmaking | swimming pool | iraq veteran,
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